What comes to your mind when we say ‘road trips’? Adventure, fun and thrill, right? Traveling by road with your loved ones is surely a great way to cover more destinations that you would have done by a plane, and bonding with your lovable passengers like you’ve never done before. While driving down the countryside you can listen to your favourite songs, feel the wind in your face, laugh away with your amigos, stop by and eat at quirky diners, meet new people, witness the changing landscapes, camp out and have a bonfire, stop by and click pictures……

Hold those horses! Road trips are fun only when planned right. Mismanaged road trips can often turn into disasters! One has to take care of a great deal of things while on the road to maintain the Fun-O-Meter of the trip. So, to help you plan that much-awaited road excursion better, we have listed for you some simple do’s and don’ts of road trips in an easy-to-follow infographic.

dos & donts of road trips infographic

Just save this infographic in your phone so that you can consult it before embarking on your next road trip. Yup, it’s that easy! Trust us, this is one really handy companion you don’t wanna leave behind while traveling by road! And if you know of some more commandments one should follow on road trips, let us know in the comments below!

Further Read: You Must Not Indulge In These 16 Things While Traveling

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