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Phyang Monastery stands as a beacon of Tibetan Buddhist spirituality and cultural heritage. This monastery was built and founded in the 16th Century. It belongs to the Drikung Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism. Phyang Monastery is known for its stunning architecture that is prettily adorned with whitewashed walls and golden rooftops. It offers panoramic views of the Indus Valley. Phyang Monastery houses ancient scriptures, Thangka paintings and statues of Buddhist deities. It is an important centre for meditation, learning and religious ceremonies. Perched atop a hill in the picturesque setting in the Ladakh region of India, it offers a peaceful atmosphere.

History Of Phyang Monastery

An ancient wall painting depicts a Buddhist Guardian at Phyang Monastery.

Image Credit: Deepank Ranka for Wikimedia Commons

Phyang Monastery holds a rich history traced to the 16th Century. It was founded by Chosje Dhamchod who was a Tibetan lama from the Drikung Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism, with the patronage of the rulers from the Namgyal Dynasty in Ladakh. The main aim of Phyang Monastery was to propagate the teachings and learning of Buddhism. It also served as a centre for spiritual practice. Practitioners and scholars across the Himalayas visited this place. Monks at Phyang Monastery indulged in a study of Buddhist Philosophy which led to the preservation of Tibetan Buddhist traditions. The strategic location of this monastery is of utter importance as it overlooks the Indus Valley. It is built with traditional Buddhist design and has passed through successive generations of monks and patrons.

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Places To Visit Near Phyang Monastery

There are several notable places to visit around Phyang Monastery. These tourist attractions offer a blend of natural beauty and cultural richness.

1. Likir Monastery

Likir Monastery is regarded as one of the most significant monasteries in Ladakh.

Image Credit: Ingo Mehling for Wikimedia Commons

Likir Monastery, tucked away amid Ladakh’s breathtaking scenery, continues to reflect the area’s rich cultural heritage. Established in the eleventh century, the monastery is well-known for its breathtaking architecture, charming murals, and serene ambience. It provides tourists with an overview of Tibetan Buddhism. There are statues of Bodhisattvas alongside monks who live there and carry out their daily spiritual rituals. The monastery is encircled by desolate mountains and azure skies. The unspoiled splendour of the monastery in Ladakh provides comfort to travellers. Visitors seek peace in this place surrounded by pretty landscapes.

Location: Likir Village, Leh District, Ladakh – 194101

Distance from Phyang Monastery: 41 km

2. Alchi Monastery

Alchi Monastery is perched on a hill in Ladakh

Image Credit: Prof Ranga Sai for Wikimedia Commons

Among the oldest monastic complexes in Ladakh is Alchi Monastery, which is also referred to as Alchi Gompa. The monasteries were established in the tenth century. It is renowned for its distinctive Buddhist architecture in the Kashmiri style. It consists of numerous statues of Buddhist deities, gorgeous wall murals and intricate wood carvings. There are many temples inside the monastery complex. The “Dukhang” (Assembly Hall), Sumtsek Temple, and Manjushri Temple are the three principal temples.

Location: Alchi Village, Leh District, Ladakh 194106

Distance from Alchi Monastery: 52 km

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3. Shey Palace

Shey Palace complex includes Shey Monastery

Image Credit: Bernard Gagnon for Wikimedia Commons

Shey Palace and Monastery served as the summer capital of the former kingdom of Ladakh. The palace premises have an in-built monastery that is very famous for its giant copper statue. The statue is dedicated to Shakyamuni Buddha which is adorned with gilding. Visitors are allowed to explore the palace and the ruins that still have been preserved. The ancient paintings and sculptures are admired by both locals and tourists. Panoramic views of the fertile Indus Valley can be enjoyed from the palace grounds itself. There are guided tours to this palace providing visitors with an immersive experience of Tibetan Buddhism.

Location: Leh Manali Highway, Shey, Ladakh 194201

Distance from Phyang Monastery: 27 km

Delightful Cuisine Of Ladakh

Momos are served as a part of traditional cuisine in Ladakh

Image Credit: Sumita Roy Dutta for Wikimedia Commons

A wide variety of dishes that highlight the region’s many cultural influences may be found in Ladakh’s cuisine. Each of these well-known dishes has a distinctive flavour of this hilly region.

Steamed dumplings stuffed with minced meat or vegetables and flavoured with spices and seasonings are called momos. They are served with mustard sauce or hot tomato sauce and have a crescent shape.

It is a staple meal in families in Ladakh. A flavorful soup consisting of veggies or chunks of meat and Tibetan spices is cooked with noodles. This dish is a comfort food, especially during winter.

Chutagi is a flavoured soup made from barley noodles and a mixture of vegetables. It is also made with meat that adds to the broth. The soup is seasoned with Tibetan spices and aromatic herbs.

Khur is a traditional dish served in Ladakh. It is a traditional Ladakhi stew made with black gram beans and root vegetables. The beans are soaked overnight and then simmered with diced potatoes until tender.

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Things To Take Care Of When In Phyang Monastery

Every year, the annual festival held at Phyang Monastery captivates tourists from all around India.

Image Credit: Bernard Gagnon for Wikimedia Commons

It is important not to miss a few important events and locations when visiting Phyang Monastery to fully understand the place’s spiritual and cultural significance.

Tashi Namgyal Gompa: This is the main temple in Phyang Monastery. It is adorned with vibrant frescoes and detailed wood carvings. Visitors should explore ornate interiors observing resident monks.

Views From Phyang Monastery: This monastery overlooks the fertile Indus Valley. It offers breathtaking views of the Himalayan range. Visitors can also see distant snow-capped peaks.

Phyang Tserup Festival: It is recommended to visit this monastery during their annual festival. It is held in July and features colourful masked dances and traditional music performances.

Local Handicrafts: Stalls and shops near the monastery sell local handicrafts, Tibetan artefacts and souvenirs. Visitors can buy handmade jewellery or Thangka paintings.

Further Read: Losar Festival Ladakh

Phyang Monastery is a part and parcel of the enduring legacy of Tibetan Buddhism in Ladakh. Nestled amidst the breathtaking mountain views, this monastery not only showcases exquisite architecture but also serves as a sanctuary for spiritual seekers and cultural enthusiasts alike.
Whether admiring the nearby tourist attractions or seeking solace in this monastery itself, your trip to Ladakh will offer a profound glimpse into the heart of the Himalayas. It invites visitors to delve into the depths of Buddhist philosophy and meditation practices. Phyang Monastery continues to inspire awe and reverence among the locals and visitors from the border and beyond.

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Cover Image Credit: Bernard Gagnon for wikimedia commons

Frequently Asked Questions About Phyang Monastery

Which is the oldest monastery in Leh?

Diskit Monastery is regarded as the oldest monastery in Ladakh. This place is also known as Deskit Gompa or Diskit Gompa. It is located in the Nubra Valley in the Leh district of Ladakh.

Which is the largest Tibetan monastery in India?

Tawang Monastery is one of the Buddhist Monasteries located in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh. This monastery is the largest monastery not only in the state but in the entire India. It is situated in the serene valley of Tawang Chu.

Which is the hidden monastery in Ladakh?

Alchi Monastery is like a hidden treasure. The monastery reflects amazing paintings and the artistic glory of Tibetan Buddhism. The centuries-old paintings and Buddhist stories leave visitors in awe.

Which monastery is on a rock in Ladakh?

Takthok Monastery in Ladakh is built around a cave on the mountainside. It derived its name ‘Takthok’ which in English means a rock roof. It came into existence under the rule of ‘Tshewang Namgyal’.

Which is the oldest temple in Ladakh?

Alchi Monastery is said to be the oldest and the most famous of the four hamlets. Alchi Monastery is administered by the Likir Monastery. It is located at 60 west of Leh on Leh-Kargil Highway.

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