Couple Sold Everything To Travel The World On A Sailboat But Two Days Later, It Sank!
More or less, all the wanderlusting souls have one thing in common, they want to sell all their belongings and simply travel from one place to another without any restrictions. And that is exactly what Nikki Walsh, 24, and Tanner Broadwell, 26, pictured themselves doing when they sold all of their materialistic possessions to travel the world on a sailboat (purchased for $5000).
However, as luck would have it, their vessel sunk just after two days into their new journey.
As per Broadwell, Hurricane Irma might have had a role in the sinking of their vessel since it might have altered their navigational chart which was made in 2016. “The boat charted into unknown waters and might have struck something in water and ripped off”, he said.

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Watching everything go down in the ocean was devastating for them, but as it turns out, their dreams are much stronger than their struggles. For even after working multiple jobs for several years to save those precious $5000, the couple is willing to do all of it again and buy another sailboat to travel the world.
Right now however, they are left with an unfulfilled dream and only $90 to their name bit even then, they haven’t lost hope and conquer their dreams, one destination at a time.

To make people travel and see a way of life through it is what Pranav strives to achieve with his content. He firmly believes that the more places anybody visits, the better are the chances for them to truly evolve and become their best version. If he is able to make even one person get off the couch and go explore, then in the words of mighty Thor himself, he is “worthy”.