India’s first hot air balloon wildlife safari at Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve has been launched in the central state of Madhya Pradesh. The tiger reserve, also known as Bandhavgarh National Park is spread over 105 sq km in the Vindhya Hills. The national park also includes a buffer area of nearly 400 sq km of lush green lands having forest, open meadows, and steep ridges.
According to the latest media reports, Forest Minister Vijay Shah announced that the hot air balloon wildlife safari at Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve will be restricted to the buffer area. The activity is launched to make tourists catch the glimpse of tigers, leopards, Indian sloth bear, and other endangered species from a height.
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India’s First Hot Air Balloon Wildlife Safari At Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve
This is for the first time in India that hot air balloon wildlife safari at Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve is being featured, and the minister further informed that the state is planning similar activities in Pench, Kanha, and Panna tiger reserves also. Currently, the service is being operated by Jaipur-based Sky Waltz and company official Jai Thakur.
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Bandhavgarh National Park is known for having one of the highest known densities of the tiger population in India. The area also serves as a large breeding ground for leopards and numerous species of deer. Located in Umaira district of Madhya Pradesh, the national park attracts wildlife enthusiasts from across the world with its Royal Bengal Tigers. Hence, make sure you do not miss out on exploring and experiencing this phenomenal attraction and wildlife activity on your next trip to Madhya Pradesh.
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