Each country has its own flag to identify itself. Most of the time, the flags look very similar. Recognizing flags of the world can be exceptionally tricky, but the best way to do so is by studying the different patterns in the flags. How many of the country flags can you identify? Test your flags knowledge with our quiz to see just how much attention you were paying in school geography lessons.

Identify The Countries By Their Flags Quiz

Do you know which animal is on the Sri Lankan flag? Or which weapon graces the flag of Mozambique? Take our country flags quiz to find out:

(function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(d.getElementById(id))return;js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=’https://embed.playbuzz.com/sdk.js’;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}(document,’script’,’playbuzz-sdk’));

It’s time to find out how much you suck at knowing flags.

If you’ve scored between 0 to 4: You can drop vexillology as a potential career option. That narrows down your choices, doesn’t it?

If you’ve scored between 5 to 9: Okay, so you didn’t get half of them right, but that’s cool. Maybe this will inspire you to travel to one or two of these countries. Or return to middle school. Just saying.

If you’ve scored between 10 to 15: Congratulations, you’re a genius! To be honest, I’m quite impressed with you. In another dimension, you and I are friends nerding out on geekery and making our sixth-grade teacher proud.

Further Read: 10 Spring Festivals Around The World To Celebrate Rebirth & Rejuvenation

Have you seen the flags of Chad and Romania? Except for very slight shade differences between the blue, yellow, and red stripes, the two flags are identical! Senegal and Mali are another tricky pair — their flags look the same, except Senegal’s has a green star in the center. This country flags quiz game is great at helping you lock in those visual distinctions. Enhance your knowledge of the world flags by taking a world trip with TravelTriangle. We promise that it will be a thrilling journey full of adventure and excitement!

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