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Kerala, renowned for its pristine beaches and lush backwaters, also boasts a treasure trove of ancient temples. Beyond its natural beauty and the eclectic presence of the beaches and backwaters, Kerala is also home to ancient temples dating back centuries like the famous Kovalam Shiva Temple. More accurately known as the Aazhimala Shiva Temple, the temple isn’t just another place of worship in Kerala. It’s a captivating confluence of history, mythology, and breathtaking coastal beauty. With his blog, know why the temple attracts thousands of devotees yearly.

History And Mythology: Kovalam Shiva Temple

 Architecture of Kovalam Shiva Temple

Image Credit: Alberto Buscató Vázquez for Wikimedia Commons

The Aazhimala Shiva Temple’s history stretches back to the misty past, possibly reaching as far back as the 8th century AD. Some accounts suggest the temple’s construction may have coincided with the reign of the Pandya dynasty, a powerful South Indian empire known for its patronage of arts and temple architecture. Legends surrounding the temple’s origin interweave with historical facts, creating a captivating narrative that adds to the site’s mystique.

One popular legend recounts the tale of a group of mariners caught in a ferocious storm. B battered by the relentless waves, their vessel was on the verge of succumbing to the sea’s fury. As all hope seems lost, the ship miraculously found a safe harbour near the shores where the Aazhimala Shiva Temple stands today. Another legend narrated a celestial occurrence that guided devotees towards the chosen location of the temple. According to this account, a radiant light emanated from a specific spot on the cliffs overlooking the sea. Intrigued by this celestial phenomenon, residents ventured towards the source of the light and discovered a self-manifested Shiva Linga. Today, the temple stands out for its grandeur of being home to the nation’s tallest Shiva statue, measuring around 58 feet. This concrete figure of Lord Shiva houses Ganga on his head alongside his wavy hair.

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Best Time To Visit Kovalam Shiva Temple

figures and architecture at Kovalam Shiva temple

Image Credit: Sanjiv khanna jalandhar for Wikimedia Commons

The allure and beauty of the Shiva temple in Kovalam stand out irrespective of when you visit the temple. Usually, the ideal time to visit the temple is between November and February when the weather is comfortable and pleasant. With clear skies and comfortable temperatures, exploring the surroundings becomes comfortable. Also, exploring the temple grounds is easier when the sun isn’t straight up at the top of your head while you wait in the queues. Additionally, festivals like Maha Shivaratri witness an influx of devotees, infusing the temple precincts with fervent energy and devotion. Keep in mind that the crowds are exceptionally high during that period. So, you’d have to plan things around that aspect.

How To Reach Kovalam Shiva Temple?

The scenic road in green tea plantations, Munnar, Kerala

Image Credit: Akshatha Inamdar for Wikimedia Commons

Reaching Kovalam Shiva Temple is convenient, thanks to its well-connected transportation network:

By Air
The nearest airport is Trivandrum International Airport, located approximately 15 kilometres away from the temple. After reaching the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach your destination.

By Train
Trivandrum Central Railway Station is the primary railhead, with regular trains connecting major cities across India. Upon reaching the station, you can avail of local transport options to reach Kovalam Shiva Temple.

By Road
State-run buses, private taxis, and auto-rickshaws ply regularly between Trivandrum and Kovalam. The temple is easily accessible by road, with well-maintained highways leading to its doorstep.

Essential Information About Kovalam Shiva Temple

While planning your next visit to the Kovalam Shiva temple, aka the Aazhimala Temple, have a complete understanding of the same for the best experience. This includes awareness of the temple’s timings, entrance fees, and other relevant details.

1. Temple Timings

The surreal view of the world-famous mandir in Kerala

Image Credit: suketdedhia for Wikimedia Commons

The timings of the famous Shiva temple in Kovalam are from 05:30 AM to 11:00 AM and then again from 05:00 PM to 08:00 PM. There is a long break between 11 to 5, so you can use that time to explore the temple’s surroundings, buy religious items and make the most of the experience while you are there. The temple isn’t open for darshan on Mondays.

2. Entrance Fee

The view of Shiva Temple in Kerala.

Image Credit: ankit_dandhare for Pixabay

Due to the temple being a site of pilgrimage and tourist attraction, there is an entry fee of ₹20 per person. The standard darshan is free, so you don’t have to worry about paying an additional charge for the same. However, the devotees are welcome to make offerings as per their wishes.

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3. Dress Code

The captivating vista of Kovalam Shiva Temple.

Image Credit: Facebook

The devotees must wear modest clothing when entering the temple premises. Opt for Indian traditional attire that covers both shoulders and knees. This applies to both men and women. Avoid wearing any piece of clothing that’s indecent or controversial when stepping inside the temple. If found breaching the code of conduct, the temple authorities might escort you out of the temple.

4. Etiquette And Rules

Lord Shiva Temple in Kerala.

Image Credit:Ankit Dandhare for Unsplash

As you step inside the temple, prioritise maintaining silence. Avoid indulging in any acts that might affect the temple’s decorum and sanctity. There are restrictions inside the inner sanctum. Respect them and follow the cues and directions specified by the temple authorities.

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Things To Do In Kovalam Shiva Temple

Lord Shiva idol at Kovalam Shiva Temple

Image Credit: Parthparashar23 for Wikimedia Commons

  • Stepping into the Aazhimala Shiva Temple is an experience in itself. The air hums with positive energy, and the gentle sounds of waves crashing against the nearby cliffs create a tranquil ambience.
  • Start your exploration with the main temple complex. Since the temple is crowded, you may have to wait until your turn arrives. Until then, explore the temple complex and admire the traditional architecture and intricate carvings.
  • The temple’s crowning glory is the colossal 58-ft-tall concrete statue of Lord Shiva in his Gangadhareshwara form. This magnificent structure depicts Lord Shiva holding the holy river Ganges in his matted hair, signifying his immense power and ability to nurture life.
  • Participate in the daily pujas, performed by the priests inside the temple. The vibrant rituals and the spiritual energy around the place are truly one of a kind.

The Highlights Of Aazhimala Shiva Temple

The beauty of Shiva in its supreme

Image Credit: Dr.V.Balagopal for Pexels

As you explore the beauty of the Aazhimala Shiva Temple in Kovalam, don’t forget to list the temple’s highlights worth exploring. They include:

  • While the temple’s exterior is relatively simple, the inner sanctum boasts beautiful murals and sculptures depicting scenes from Hindu mythology.
  • The temple’s unique location on a cliff overlooking the Arabian Sea offers breathtaking views. Take a moment to appreciate the panoramic vista and find inner peace amidst the sound of rolling waves.
  • Witness traditional rituals and ceremonies, gaining a deeper understanding of Hindu customs and beliefs.

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Places To Visit Around Kovalam Shiva Temple

Once you finish exploring the famous Shiva temple in Kovalam, it is time to join sightseeing spots around for the best time. Some of these include:

1. Kovalam Beach

A sunset view of Kovalam Beach

Image Credit: mehul.antani for Wikimedia Commons

When you are exploring the stunning beauty of the Kovalam Shiva Temple, spend the rest of your evening exploring the adjoining Kovalam Beach. The views are eclectic and the sun-kissed shores make for a stunning experience. Here, you can indulge in water sports, beachside dining and various Ayurvedic treatments for an unforgettable vacation.

2. Vizhinjam Lighthouse

A Distant View Vizhinjam Lighthouse

Image Credit: Dr Ajay Balachandran for Wikimedia Commons

Ascend the towering Vizhinjam Lighthouse for panoramic views of the coastline and the Arabian Sea. This historic landmark offers insights into the maritime heritage of Kerala. Despite its significant presence in Kerala, several tourists often bypass it, especially due to a lack of time or knowledge.

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3. Halcyon Castle

Halcyon Castle in Kovalam

Image Credit: Laksmo for Wikimedia Commons

Also known as The Kovalam Palace, Halcyon Castle offers a unique experience to all visitors. It does a complete 360 from the staple beaches and temples that you finished exploring. The seamless combination of old-world elegance and architectural splendour exudes the colonial charm, like no other.

Further Read: The Ultimate Guide to Top Tourist Places in Kerala

The Aazhimala Shiva Temple is more than just a place of worship; it’s a window into Kerala’s rich cultural heritage and spiritual traditions. Its captivating history, architectural beauty, and serene location make it a must-visit for anyone seeking a unique and enriching experience during your next trip to Kerala.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Kovalam Shiva Temple

Is there a dress code for visiting the Aazhimala Shiva Temple?

Yes, modest clothing is recommended. For both men and women, it's best to cover your shoulders and knees.

Is photography allowed inside the temple premises?

Photography is restricted in certain parts of the temple, including the inner sanctum where the idol of Lord Shiva resides

Are there any accommodation options near Kovalam Shiva Temple?

There are a handful of accommodation options near the Kovalam Shiva temple. What you must do is plan things ahead of time, especially when you are visiting during the peak season

What are the major festivals celebrated at Kovalam Shiva Temple?

Kovalam Shiva Temple celebrates major Hindu festivals like Maha Shivaratri, Navratri, and Diwali with fervour and enthusiasm.

Is it necessary to buy special darshan tickets online?

There is no such thing as a special darshan available in this temple. One stands in a queue and sorts out the darshan when the turn arrives.

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