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Get soaked in Indian history and architecture at Sri Chandramouleshwara Temple Hubli, an enchanting old beauty hidden in Karnataka’s suburbs. The temple is remarkable for its artistry and grandeur, symbolising the Chalukya dynasty. Unlike prominent temples of this period, Chandramouleshwara boasts a distinct design – a square shape with four entrances facing each direction. As you enter the temple compound, the complex carvings from the Hindu religion come to life and take you back to ancient India. Only the central shrine has survived with time, yet the temple still serves as a worship hub for religious people.

Chandramouleshwara Temple Hubli Timings

Chandramouleshwara Temple Hubli is one of the most revered Lord Shiva Temple.

Image Credit: RashmiToppalad for Wikipedia Commons

The Chandramouleshwara Temple is situated near Hubli city centre. You can take an auto-rickshaw or hire a taxi to reach the temple on the banks of Unkal Lake, close to the Hubli-Dharwad Highway. Chandramouleshwara Temple Hubli timings are as follows:

Pooja Timings: 6 AM to 11 AM and 5 PM to 7.30 PM
Temple Timings: 6 AM to 7.30 PM

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Chandramouleshwara Temple Hubli: History

Chalukya-style carved door entrance at the Chandramouleshwara Temple Hubli.

Image Credit: RashmiToppalad for Wikimedia Commons

The Chandramouleshwara Temple Hubli’s history stands as a silent witness to the rise and fall of empires. To gain a full appreciation of its importance, let us explore its historical background in detail. The temple’s construction occurred during the golden age of the Chalukya dynasty when significant achievements in arts, architecture, and literature occurred.

The Kalyana Chalukyas were prolific builders who ruled Karnataka from the 6th to 12th century AD and left behind an impressive legacy of temples. The Chandramouleshwara Temple is characterised by its elaborate carvings and unique style, exemplifying the architectural skills of Chalukyas.

The temple’s name has historical relevance. Chandra means “moon,” while Mauleshwara refers to “Lord Shiva.” According to legends, this name originates from an astronomical phenomenon where the moon sheds its cool light on Shiva Linga, making it appear special. For years now, Chandramouleshwara Temple has been a place where people have come to worship irrespective of their social status.

Chandramouleshwara Temple Hubli: Architectural Features

Intricately carved deepa stamba.

Image Credit: Abhishek2807 for Wikimedia Commons

Chandramouleshwara Temple’s architecture blends innovation with reliance on traditional principles. Unlike other well-known structures, this temple uses a square plan with four entrances facing each direction—east, west, north, and south. The creation is based on the Gandhara plan, a concept referred to in ancient Sanskrit architecture such as Manasara and Brihat Samhita.

The four entrances indicate that the temple is open from all sides to accommodate worshipers of Hinduism. Upon entering the temple, one would encounter a central shrine where a revered Chaturmukha Linga once stood. This type of Shiva Linga, which has four faces carved on it, is very uncommon.

This temple’s black granite pillars show excellent stone carving skills. Moreover, the columns are decorated with beautiful patterns and designs. Looking closer at the walls, you will see lovely sculptures depicting Hindu mythology and religious figures.

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Cultural Significance

Exquisite stone carving.

Image Credit: Manjunath Doddamani Gajendragad for Wikipedia Commons

This ancient temple holds cultural and religious significance for the local residents and visitors. Many devotees from all over the world come here for various festivals and ceremonies throughout the year. For example, Maha Shivaratri is marked with huge celebrations. Devotees come here to offer prayers, participate in different pujas (ritual worship), and soak up vibrant ambience during this auspicious occasion.

Nearby Places To Visit

Unkal Lake, located near Chandramouleshwara Temple Hubli is a must-visit destination for nature lovers.

Image Credit: Venky2007 for Wikimedia Commons

There are many locations in Hubli besides Chandramouleshwara Temple. Here are some suggestions:

Unkal Lake: This lake lies next to Chandramouleshwara Temple and is ideal for nature enthusiasts. You can take a boat ride or relax on the lake.

Sri Krishna Temple: Another architectural wonder in Hubli is the lively Sri Krishna Temple, dedicated to Lord Krishna. This 18th-century temple combines Dravidian architecture with Chalukyan influence, embodied in highly detailed carvings.

Nrupatunga Betta Museum: On top of Nrupatunga Betta, you will find a museum containing ancient artefacts and archaeological findings. They have exhibits that showcase different periods of history, from Chalukya to the British era.

Siddharoodha Math: The Siddharoodha Math is in central Hubli and serves as a spiritual and cultural centre for the Jain community.

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Experience The Warmth of Hubli’s Hospitality

Savour the authentic South Indian food while visiting Chandramouleshwara Temple Hubli.

Image Credit: Mgn1611 for Wikimedia Commons

Hubli is an open and lively place for visitors. Here are some ways to experience its local charm.

Culinary Treats in Hubli: The city has a unique food scene that combines the flavours of northern and southern India. Some dishes suit vegetarians, while others contain meat or fish.

Shopping Boutiques: Hubli has many markets where you can find different types of handicrafts from India.

A Night Out in Hubli: It has trendy cafes, cool pubs, and rooftop restaurants serving different cuisines, so everyone can find something they like.

Festivals & Cultural Events: The city observes ancient rituals during Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations that honour Ganesha (the elephant god), among other things. Ugadi marks the start of the Kannada New Year here.

Further Read: Temples In Karnataka

The Chandramouleshwara Temple is a living testimony of the Chalukyas’ artistic genius. It has always been a significant cultural and religious site. Underlying this are the intricate carvings, tranquil atmosphere, and lively festivals that display Hubli’s rich tapestry. Plan your trip to Hubli and embark on a journey to unveil the hidden gem, the Chandramouleshwara Temple, and discover the city’s captivating blend of history, culture, and local charm.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Chandramouleshwara Temple Hubli

How old is Chandramouleshwara Temple Hubli?

The Chandramouleshwara Temple Hubli is said to be about 900 years old.

What do the four entrances symbolise at the Chandramouleshwara Temple?

There are four entrances which are east, west, north, and south that are believed to depict that lord Shiva is omnipresent and can be approached from any side of the earth.

Is there any dress code for entering Chandramouleshwara temple Hubli?

Men are advised to wear shirts with trousers, dhotis, or pyjamas, accompanied by a shawl or scarf. Women must wear sarees, half-sarees with blouses, or chudidhars with pyjamas, along with a dupatta, shawl or a scarf

What is the best time to visit the Chandramouleshwara Temple?

Although it remains open throughout the year, it is most favourable to go there during the cooler months from October to February.

How do I get to Chandramouleshwara Temple?

All the major cities are connected with Hubli through trains and buses. Chandramouleshwara Temple can be easily accessed from the Hubli city centre by hiring an auto or cab.

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