#QuizTime: Can We Guess Your Next Holiday Destination By The Kind Of Hotel You Pick?
Summer is here! And what else rhymes with summer? Vacation! Well, it doesn’t but we are gonna make it rhyme anyway. But if you do not know where you are heading, take this quiz to get going! All you have to do is choose the type of facility you want and we will tell you your next destination!
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So, where are you going? It is somewhere you have been planning to go or the destination was a surprise? Let us know in the comment section below for more exciting quizzes and offers. Until then, happy e-traveling!

An everyday Grammar Nazi and a staunch orophile, Smriti is a sometime-writer and a full-time dreamer. She lives by the motto Aut viam inveniam aut faciam – Carthaginian general Hannibal’s famous words that translate to “I will either find a way or make one”. When not in her books, she dreams of the world where chocolate chip cookie dough is diet food.