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Located in a remote location in the Andaman Islands, Sandbar Beach is unlike any other. Drawing its name from the unique spectacle, the beach connects the Ross and Smith islands with a “sandbar” during low tides. As it is located in a remote location, it takes roughly 10 hours to reach Port Blair; the beach is usually less crowded and left to itself by the tourists. So, for people who enjoy less crowds and want to witness Andaman’s raw and unfiltered beauty, this is one of the places you need to add to your list. Whether you’re looking to relax under the sun, explore marine life, or indulge in thrilling water sports, Sandbar Beach has something to offer everyone.

About The Sandbar Beach In Andaman

Sandbar Beach is 2.8 kilometres in length and boasts breathtaking scenery

Image Credit: Jim Champion for Wikimedia Commons
Sandbar Beach is 2.8 kilometres in length and boasts breathtaking scenery. Dense forests, native plants, and wildlife frame the beach’s surroundings, creating a picture-perfect landscape. The highlight of this beach is the “sandbar”, which appears and disappears during the low and high tides. Visiting during the low tide opens the walkway, connecting the journey from Ross to Smith Island. However, as the tide rises, the sandbar consequently submerges with it, creating a surreal view for the tourists to witness. The beach offers a diverse experience on either side. The Ross Island side is known for its calm and shallow waters, perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and leisurely walks. The Smith Island side boasts a more dramatic landscape with deeper waters and vibrant coral reefs, ideal for various water sports like snorkelling and scuba diving.

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Best Time To Visit The Sandbar Beach

Generally the ideal time to visit Sandbar Beach is during the dry season, starting from November to April.

Image Credit: Eric Jones for Wikimedia Commons

The ideal time to visit Sandbar Beach is during the dry season, starting from November to April. During this period, the weather is pleasant, with clear skies and minimal rainfall. The sea is calm, making it perfect for swimming and water activities. This accounts for the “normal” time to visit and explore the beach and the beauty around it. However, there’s something special about visiting Sandbar Beach during the shoulder months (May and October). The crowds are smaller, and you might even score some good deals on accommodation. Additionally, these months offer a good chance to witness the bioluminescence phenomenon, where the waters light up with an ethereal glow at night. When you are planning your visit to Sandbar beach, enquire about the weather and tide situation. If you want to witness the sandbar phenomenon in real time, you’d need to visit when the time is ideal.

Note: It’s important to note that the visibility of the sandbar depends on the tides. Plan your trip around low tide timings to experience the full magic of walking between the islands.

How To Reach

Unlike most other beaches in Andaman, reaching Sandbar Beach is a challenge. However, that adds to its charm. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

Fly To Port Blair

Your starting point of the journey is from Port Blair. Several airlines have regular flights to Port Blair, so connectivity shouldn’t be an issue.

Travel To Diglipur

The next step in the journey is to make your way to Diglipur via a ferry or government ship. This is the largest town in North Andaman. It is a fairly long journey that can be somewhere between 9-10 hours. Also, most ferries and ships only depart 2-3 days in a week, so you’d need to plan your journey accordingly.

Reach The Sandbar Beach

Once in Diglipur, you can hire a private boat to take you to Ross and Smith Islands. The boat ride typically takes 1-2 hours, depending on the sea conditions. The visibility of the sandbar will depend on the tide timings, so be sure to factor that in while planning your boat trip.

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Things To Do At The Sandbar Beach

Sandbar Beach offers many activities catering to a wide range of interests, ensuring every visitor has a memorable experience. However, to be able to make the most of the experiences, you must plan things ahead of time.

1. Scuba Diving

Andaman and Nicobar Islands is known for its scuba diving experiences, and almost all beaches offer the same.

Image Credit: Matthew T Rader for Wikimedia Commons
Andaman and Nicobar Islands is known for its scuba diving experiences; almost all beaches offer the same. Sandbar Beach is also ideal for scuba diving so sign up for a deeper dive into the ocean to witness marine life. Diving operators at the beach conduct guided tours for safety and convenience. Depending on your experience and expertise, scuba diving experiences are curated for beginners and advanced divers. Getting to witness the unique coral formations and marine life, adds to one of those bucket list experiences that you have to witness for at least a lifetime.

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2. Snorkelling

 If you are living in one of the Sandbar Beach Andaman resorts, ensure that you enquire about snorkelling nearby.

Image Credit: Rodrigo.Argenton for Wikimedia Commons
If you are living in one of the Sandbar Beach Andaman resorts, ensure that you enquire about snorkelling nearby. A lot similar to scuba diving, even snorkelling offers a look into the rich marine biodiversity. Besides witnessing marine life, snorkelling lets you witness colourful fish, sea turtles and other fascinating sea creatures.

3. Kayaking And Paddleboarding

Venturing under the sea and exploring marine life there isn’t everyone’s cup of tea

Image Credit: EC for Wikimedia Commons
Venturing under the sea and exploring marine life isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. For them, the best alternative to indulge in is kayaking or paddleboarding. You can find multiple operators along the side of the beach offering these services. You get to paddle and glide over the calm sea, offering the visitors a unique and stunning view of the shoreline. There are hidden coves and secluded spots that you can witness in real-time when paddling away on the water.

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4. Swimming

Tired of all the exploring? Go for a dip in the cold and clear oceans of Sandbar beach and wash off all the tiredness.

Image Credit: Wittylama for Wikimedia Commons
The highlight of visiting Sandbar Beach is swimming in the cold and clear ocean water. There are shallow areas on the beach and gentle waves, ensuring a safe swimming experience. Even if you aren’t a good swimmer, you will surely enjoy playing with the waves and soaking wet in the water as it thrashes against you. For a well-rounded experience, ensure that you carry all the essentials to indulge in a bit of sunbathing after soaking in the water.

5. Photography

Explore the stunning beauty of the magical splendour of Sandbar Beach

Image Credit: Clem Rutter, Rochester, Kent. for Wikimedia Commons
The stunning natural beauty and magical splendour of Sandbar Beach make it an ideal spot for photography. Whether you use your mobile or a professional camera, capturing the surrounding beauty of the place feels like a privilege. If necessary, visit during the sunrise or sunset for an even more magical view.

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6. Picnicking

Plan something fun with your family or friends and go for a picnic on Sandbar Beach

Image Credit: John Vetterli for Wikimedia Commons
As odd as it sounds, indulging in a bit of a picnic by the beach and the ocean is an alluring experience in itself. You can carry all the essentials, like a blanket, snacks, drinks, food, etc., in a picnic basket and be on your way. Since the beach is usually less crowded, you will not find it hard to find a spot on the beach to lay out the picnic spread. The only tip is to ensure that you clean up after yourself and not litter the beach.

7. Play Games On The Beach

Enjoy volleyball and frisbee on the beautiful beaches of Andaman

Image Credit: Björn Söderlund, Sw3dPix for Wikimedia Commons
Beach volleyball and frisbee are quite popular beach games; you can also play them on the Sandbar beach in Andaman. The wide area on the beach provides plenty of space for these activities, and the scenic backdrop adds to the enjoyment. You do need multiple people and the ball to be able to get started with the games. Besides all these activities, don’t miss out on witnessing the sunrise and sunset at the beach. The peace and the beauty of the orange, red and purple colour sky look straight out of a fantasy book.

Further Read: Kalipur Beach

Sandbar Beach in Andaman is more than just a beach; it’s an experience. It’s a place to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with nature. Sandbar Beach has something to offer everyone regardless of your motive for relaxation, adventure, or exploration. As you gear up to plan your next trip to Andaman , prioritise adding this beach to your itinerary, too.

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Cover Image Credit: McKay Savage for Wikimedia Commons

Frequently Asked Questions About Sandbar Beach

What are the Sandbar Beach Andaman timings?

The Sandbar Beach Andaman timings are from Monday to Saturday from 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM. You do need to plan your trip by the timing.

What is the Sandbar Beach Andaman entry fee?

There is no Sandbar Beach Andaman entry fee. It is free for tourists to visit and explore at their own pace and comfort.

Where to live in Sandbar Beach?

There are no Sandbar Beach Andaman resorts for long-term locations. Even the ones available nearby are usually booked out ahead of time, especially during the peak season.

What are the essential things to pack for a trip to Sandbar Beach?

Since it is a beach vacation, you need to pack all the essentials including swimwear, comfortable clothing, footwear, sunscreen, etc.

Is there a mobile network connection at Sandbar Beach?

Mobile network connectivity might be limited or unavailable on the islands. It's best to inform others about your travel plans and limited connectivity beforehand.

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