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If you wish to see a natural wonder, we have the place for you— the Seven-Coloured Earth Of Chamarel. This natural phenomenon has been a unique and colourful attraction since the 1960s. Situated in Mauritius, it is a geological work of art. The earth’s colours harmonise with each other along the path of vetivers and coffee trees. The dunes comprise seven distinct colours: red, violet, green, blue, purple, brown, and yellow. It is akin to walking on a rainbow.

About The Seven Coloured Earth Of Chamarel

The Runescape may be barren, but it is surrounded by coffee plantations, a natural reserve, and tropical forests.

Image Source: Shutterstock

The Seven Coloured Earth of Chamarel is one of the major attractions of the country. The name of the location comes from the surname of the French aristocrat- Auguste-Antoine de Chazal de Chamarel. In the 18th century, the land belonged to him. Plantations of coffee, pineapple and sugarcane dominate the lands near the geopark. This naturally occurring phenomenon does not take up much area. Spread over 8.5 hectares, the landscape is bare. The only thing that stands out in the park is the seven colours of the Earth. The different colours of sand are settled in layers. Torrential rains created a striped pattern on the hillside.

The closest attractions to the geopark include:

  • Chamarel Waterfall
  • The Chamarel Coffee Shop
  • World of Sea Shell Museum
  • The Ebony Forest Reserve
  • Curious Corner of Chamarel
  • La Rhumerie de Chamarel and,
  • Le Château de Bel Ombre

Seven Coloured Earth Of Chamarel is the perfect location to learn and relax amidst nature. This trip would be entertaining and educational as well. Even if you are not a geology enthusiast, you will enjoy this multi-coloured landscape and its surrounding attractions.

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Why Is The Earth At Chamarel Multi-Coloured?

People are at the stunning seven-coloured earth of Chamarel.

Image Credit: Martin Falbisoner for Wikimedia Commons

The earth’s seven colours are split into natural and artificial causes. Natural causes are basalt weathering and the formation of hydroxides and iron oxides. The weathering of basalt forms clay on which the multiple colours develop.

In addition, rill formation due to torrential rain and deforestation contributed to this phenomenon. Some human modifications to the hillslope system are also involved. Clearing and burning the land are associated with the bare landscape that many credit to volcanic eruptions.

Due to total hydrolysis, the basalt transformed into ferritic soil. This type of soil has iron and aluminium present within it. These elements are responsible for the red, blue, and purple shades of the Seven Coloured Earth Of Chamarel. Currently, a wooden fence has been put up to protect the dunes. This was done to preserve the site.

Tickets To Seven Coloured Earth Of Chamarel

The Chamarel Waterfall is situated near the Geopark. You can get tickets to see the fall.

Image Credit: Pexels

The geopark is owned by a private company that offers paid site tours. You can book your tickets from the official website. The rates start from MUR250 for Mauritians. Non-residents are charged MUR550 for entrance. You will also need your ID to buy a ticket if you are a non-resident.

You can add other experiences, such as tickets to the World of Sea Shell museum, Le Château de Bel Ombre, and a lunch seat at Enba Pié or Le Chamarel.

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The Time Best To Visit

The wooden fencing at the Seven coloured earth of Chamarel was built to preserve the geological site.

Image Source: Shutterstock

Mauritius is a pleasant country when it comes to the weather. Your best bets are sunrises and sunsets. You can watch the colours of this site morph into different shades of red and orange.

One of the best times to see the seven-coloured earth dunes at Chamarel is during rain. The colours become much brighter and earthier, giving you a glimpse into how the natural process has evolved.

Things To Do At Seven Coloured Earth Of Chamarel

The seven-coloured earth location is best for geology enthusiasts as well as novices. A few exotic species are in the area, and a good pair of binoculars can help you on your journey! Here’s a list of things to do at the Seven Coloured Earth Dunes at Chamarel:

1. Curious Corner

People are looking at the Seven coloured earth of Chamarel

Image source: Facebook

Curious Corner is the best place to keep the kids engaged. But don’t worry, there is no age or height restriction. You will need about 90 minutes to explore this little fun house.
There is a house of illusions and a corner where you can practically learn why the earth at Chamarel is multi-coloured. You can replicate the natural effect on a much smaller scale with the test tubes and sands.

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2. Chamarel Waterfall

The majestic Chamarel Waterfall Near Seven coloured earth of Chamarel

Image Credit: Adamina for Wikimedia Commons

This is the largest waterfall in Mauritius. Plunging from 100 metres, the water comes from three streams. Its natural beauty has a geological history as well! The cliffs surrounding the waterfall were formed by lavas of two different ages. The basalt deposits date back to 10 to 8 million years ago, and a second layer of basalt dates back to 3.5 to 1.7 million years.

You can swim to rejuvenate your mind in an oval pool amidst the dense foliage. The waterfall can be seen from the car park or wooden stairs in the forest. We suggest the stairs because they offer an incredible view. You can trek to the waterfall’s base if you want a closer look. It takes about three hours. And you can relax in the pool amidst the dense tropical forest!

3. Rhumerie de Chamarel

The ariel view of Rhumerie de Chamarel

Image Source: Facebook

In the mountains of Chamarel, a distillery is well known for its sugarcane cultivation and sustainable rum production. You can try some of the rum but do not drink and drive.
The mountains are dangerous, and Mauritius has stringent laws against drinking and driving. There is also a museum attached to the distillery where visitors can learn about its history.

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4. Ebony Forest Reserve

The view of Ebony Forest Reserve next to the seven-coloured earth of Chamarel

Image Credit: S Molteno for Wikimedia Commons

This eco-tourism spot is located next to Chamarel’s seven-coloured earth. Own Griffiths, a botanist, was behind this project. With native flowers, ebony trees, and rare birds, this place is a unique reserve.

You will need at least 2 hours to explore the Ebony Forest Reserve. Walkways, trails, safaris, and the coastline view are a cherry on top.

5. World Of Seashells Museum

Large seashell in the World Of Seashell Museum

Image Credit: Ensahequ for Wikimedia Commons

This museum houses the largest seashell collection in the entirety of Africa. With 8,000 pieces contributed from Mr. Le Court de Billot’s collection, you can observe seashells collected from all over the globe. You can learn about their history as well as their morphology.

Each shell has a unique defence mechanism, living system, and age to which it belongs. You can learn about the significance of shells in mythology, their uses worldwide, and even design your shells!


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6. Black Gorges National Park

The Panoramic view of the Black Gorges National Park next to The even-coloured earth of Chamarel

Image Credit: Adamina for Wikipedia

Are you someone who loves hiking? If yes, the Black Gorges National Park can be your go-to destination! You can hike and swim while also having the option of rock climbing and bird watching.
Black Gorges National Park is the largest national park in Mauritius. You can spot some endangered fauna such as red deer, roe deer, pink pigeon, flying foxes, wild boars, macaques, butterflies and Mauritian Kestrel.

Further Read: Waterfalls In Mauritius

The Seven-Coloured Earth Of Chamarel is a pit stop you must make whenever you visit Mauritius. The country may be known for its beaches, but it has its share of unique geological phenomena and tropical landscapes. Standing at this site is nothing less than surreal. You can marvel at the beauty of the dunes while learning a little geology. Plan Your next trip to Mauritius and brace yourself to make blissful memories for a lifetime.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Seven Coloured Earth Of Chamarel

How do I get to the Seven coloured earth of Chamarel?

The seven-coloured earth location is within the Chamarel village. You can drive to the geopark yourself or get a bus.

Is there a coffee plantation at the Seven coloured earth of Chamarel?

Yes, you can enjoy a fresh brew at the local coffee shop.

Why is the earth multi-coloured at Chamarel?

It is due to basalt weathering, torrential rains, and deforestation. Iron and aluminium deposits are responsible for the red/ blue/ purple colours of the dunes.

Are there tortoises at Chamarel 7 coloured earth park?

Yes, you can see Aldabra tortoises at Chamarel 7 coloured earth park.

What is the price of tickets at Seven coloured Earth of Chamarel?

Mauritians- MUR 250 (MUR 125 for children) Non-residents- MUR 550 (MUR 275 for children)

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