Located on the shores of the Indian Ocean, Port Louis is the capital of Mauritius. This cosmopolitan city is the melting pot of cultures, with so many things to see, from local to international. This market is located towards the north-western coast of the island which is one of the main reasons why it is often protected by storms. The Creole houses and Western buildings take up a huge part of the Port Louis market. However, you can also find evidence of ethnic mixes as you go around exploring the market even more. Needless to say, it is one of the most diverse regions to visit in Mauritius. While you may have a guide while visiting the place, it is advisable that you try learning about the place like a local.

7 Tips For Visiting Port Louis Market Like A Local

enjoy street food and other things in the Port Louis market like a local.

Image Source: pexels

When you’re in Mauritius, you need to make it a point you explore the place like a local. That’s how you will get to explore the true beauty of the place. After all, getting a local flavour will contribute to the overall beauty of the place. Here are some of the prominent tips that will allow you to explore the Port Louis market in Mauritius like a local:

  • Start Early: Let’s never forget how important it can be to visit the market early. The market starts early in the morning around 6:00 AM, which is why this is the best time to explore the vibrant atmosphere of the market. Moreover, you’ll also get to avoid the crowds of the afternoon. The best part? It’s early in the morning that you’ll get some of the best deals on the freshest produce.
  • Be Ready to Bargain: Want to explore Port Louis Market like a local? You need to become a local. Whether it’s clothes, handicrafts or souvenirs, you shouldn’t shy away from bargaining. Now that you’re a tourist, make sure that you maintain a polite smile.
  • Carry Small Cash: Mauritius is an island where the concept of online payment isn’t that big. So, when you visit the island hoping to get a local flavour, you need to carry small cash with you. Carrying small bills and coins makes transactions easier for you. The best part is if you carry the exact amount so that you don’t have to haggle for change.
  • Learn Local Phrases: Even as a tourist there isn’t anything wrong in trying to learn a few local phrases, isn’t it? Most of the vendors at the Port Louis market speak French or English, but they definitely use a few Creole phrases. If you want to land exclusive deals with the vendors, it is advisable that you greet them with a few local phrases such as “Merci” for Thank You and “Bonjour” for Good Morning.
  • Get Some Reusable Bags with You: If you want to get the best local experience in the Port Louis market, you need to get reusable bags with you. You aren’t allowed to carry plastic bags in Mauritius. So, adopt the idea of being eco-friendly like any other local and carry reusable bags with you.
  • Ask Questions: When you want to get the most local-like experience in the Port Louis market, you need to start asking questions. These vendors are very friendly and knowledgeable so they will answer all your queries. If you have any questions, ask them. Being friendly, these vendors will be very happy to share their expertise and knowledge with you. The best part is that you’ll also get to learn a thing or two about the culture and food in Mauritius.
  • Try the Street Food Sample: Mauritius is known for its street food, especially Port Louis market. When you’re here, you need to make it a point to try the street food sample. Honestly, your trip to the Port Louis market is incomplete if you haven’t had the food. So, some of the delicacies you must try at Port Louis market include fresh samosas, fried noodles, dholl puris and gato piman.

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Places To See Around Port Louis Market

The Port Louis Market isn’t the only beauty you’ll get to see in Mauritius. In fact, there are a lot of other places you should try and explore around. Some of the most notable ones to explore are as follows:

1. Blue Penny Museum

The Blue Penny Museum is one of the major attractions of Port Louis Market.

Image Credit: Martin Falbisoner for Wikipedia Commons

Located in the capital of Port Louis, the Blue Penny Museum is one of the best destinations to visit in Mauritius. The museum was opened in 2001 but inaugurated in 2011 and has since attracted a huge number of tourists. Blue Penny Museum has been named after the 2-pence Blue Penny stamp from 1847 which was engraved around Mauritian post offices.

Timing: 10:00 AM- 4:30 PM; closed on Sunday.
Address: Dans Caudan, Port Louis Mauritius

2. Jummah Masjid

a beautiful building of Jummah Masjid, one of the most important religious buildings.

Image Credit: franek2 for Wikipedia Commons

Jummah Masjid is situated on Royal Road and is hailed to be one of the most beautiful religious buildings in Mauritius. Dating back to the 1850s, the Jummah Masjid showcases the excellent craftsmanship of Tamil artisans. The mosque is open for public visits. Tourists can visit the grounds and adore the intricate beauty of the different architectural designs like Indian, Creole and Island. The remains of Jamal Shah are preserved in a marble tomb close to Jummah Masjid.

Timing: 5:00 AM-9:00 PM
Address: Royal Road, A1, Queen Street, Port Louis, Mauritius

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3. Aapravasi Ghat

You must visit the Aapravasi Ghat when you’re in Port Louis Market.

Image Credit: Avinash Meetoo for Wikipedia Commons

The Aapravasi Ghat is one of the prominent destinations to visit in Port Louis. It was the centre of establishment showcasing labour, contracted and indentured prior to the 1800s. The Aapravasi Ghat acted as the central depot for receiving indentured labourers from different countries like Africa, Southeast Asia and India. This was announced after the Great Mauritian Experiment came to a halt around the 1800s.

Timing: 11:00 AM-1:00 PM
Address: 1st Quay Street of Port Louis in Mauritius

4. Natural History Museum Mauritius

The Natural History Museum Mauritius is home to various historical aspects from Mauritius.

Image Credit: आशीष भटनागर for Wikimedia Commons

The Natural History Museum Mauritius is said to be one of the oldest museums in Mauritius. If you’re looking for a less busy place to explore in Mauritius, the Natural History Museum Mauritius will provide the beauty.

Many consider this museum to be a replica of the Colombo Museum of Sri Lanka. The building was designed by a British architect, M. Mann who served at the Old Royal College of Port Louis. However, it was declared to be the National Heritage of Mauritius in 2000.

Timing: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM (Monday to Friday); 9:00 AM-12:00 PM (Saturday); Closed on Sunday.
Address: Close to Victoria Urban Terminal, Port Louis, Mauritius

Suggested Read: Museums In Mauritius

5. St Louis Cathedral

worship the Jesus at St Louis Cathedral near the Port Louis market.

Image Credit: XIIIfromTOKYO for Wikimedia Commons

St Louis Cathedral is one of the oldest churches in Port Louis, Mauritius. It was built in 1815 and got the reputation of a cathedral around 1847. There was a significant history regarding the building of St Louis Cathedral. It is anticipated that the original plan for building up the St Louis Cathedral was drawn up in 1736 and the completion of the building was done around 1756.

Timing: Open all-day
Address: Bourbon Street, Port Louis, Mauritius

FurtherSuggested Read: Waterfalls In Mauritius

Port Louis Market is one of the best places to visit especially if you’re visiting Mauritius for the first time. You may consider visiting the place for at least two days so that you can explore the true beauty of the place. You should plan your trip to Mauritius, especially during peak seasons so that you can get the best. However, make sure that you book your accommodation and travel earlier as well so that you don’t miss out on any important details.

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Cover Image Credit: Karsten Ratzke for wikimedia commons

Frequently Asked Questions About Port Louis Market

Why is the Port Louis market so famous?

The Port Louis market shows a significant part of the British and French occupational area. During that period, it was known as the star and key of the Indian Ocean with several historical places and buildings attached to it.

What souvenirs should you buy from Port Louis?

You should buy a wide range of souvenirs from Port Louis such as spiced rum, local papaya jam, cassava biscuits and the ravine.

Is it worth visiting the Port Louis market?

Yes, the Port Louis market is totally worth your visit. When you're staying in Mauritius, you should make it a point to visit the market at least once. This place is known as the melting pot of cultures wherein you can explore both, the traditional and modern sides of Mauritius.

Can I shop in Mauritius?

You can totally go shopping in Mauritius. The island of Mauritius is home to several street markets and shopping malls which is why it is one of the most loved destinations by most people.

Is Mauritius expensive?

Yes, Mauritius is very expensive. However, these expenses can only be high during peak tourist season, from May to October.

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