What’s Your Pick: An International Trip Or An iPhone?
This is the ultimate test of passion! We have on one side- a gadget that you’ve always wanted, the apple of everyone’s eyes, an iPhone 6 Plus worth 70K and on the other- the trip of your lifetime worth the same amount or less. WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE?
We are and always will be betting for travel. Does that make you think we’ve gone bonkers? Well, after reading this you wouldn’t think so anymore, we promise!
Killer international trips that you can take this year:
So, if we’re able to convince you enough, you should get busy booking tickets and planning your trip!

Life is all about music and coffee for Kasturi. She has been associated with content in the travel niche for the past 7 years and happily so. If you wanna get in touch with her, her social handles are given below.