14 Gorgeous Places That Will Disappear From The World Map By 2050
Islands, mountains, corals and cities – nature’s fury won’t spare any of them. The beautiful places which please and comfort you, might not be there for the next generation to see! In fact, some of them will be gone in another 15 years only.
Don’t believe us? You will! In fact, you will be disheartened to know that some hauntingly beautiful landscapes and countries—some of them even your favorites—are among places that will disappear by 2050. They are at the verge of completely vanishing from the world map, which means you must plan a trip to these places now – just to say goodbye, if nothing else!
1. Majuli Island In India
Might disappear by: 2030

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The once largest river island with a stretch of 1200 sq km, Majuli Island is now less than a miserable 400 sq km. Disastrous flooding and massive erosions have led to the submerging of the island. Don’t miss this melt-pot of Assamese culture and stunning beauty. It might just be a mention in the books very soon.
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2. The Great Barrier Reef In Australia
Might disappear by: 2030

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The size of this world’s largest coral reef has decreased by more than 50% of its original size. Now imagine these vibrantly colorful corals suddenly turned white. Phew, such a grief it would be. Visit before we lose it completely in the next 15 years.
3. Glacier National Park In Montana
Might disappear by: 2030

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These enchanting glaciers might not be there in next 15 years. They have decreased from a huge 150 to a dipping 25 in last 80 years. As per researches, it could be completely gone in the next 15 years. Such a loss of beauty!
4. Maldives In Indian Ocean
Might disappear by: 2035

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Maldives, beside being a country of heavenly beauty, can earn another title! It could be the first country to submerge in the ocean due to global warming. It’s the only country in the world with an average of 2.3 meter ground level and 1.4 meter above sea level. Bet, you didn’t know this? Hurry up, because your dream holiday destination might not be there in next 20 years.
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5. Great Wall Of China
Might disappear by: 2035

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The heritage site which has been conserved well for over 2000 years, is now at the verge of turning into just dilapidated ruins. Over-farming and air-pollution are the main reasons. You have got just less than 20 years to visit this beautiful display of craftsmanship.
6. Snow-Capped Mount Kilimanjaro In Tanzania
Might disappear by: 2035

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In last 90 years, Kilimanjaro’s ice sheet has reduced by a gigantic 85%. It is said that it might not be there at all in next 20 years. Buckle up and plan the trip, you really wouldn’t want to miss this charisma.
7. Venice In Italy
Might disappear by: 2035

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It’s no more a secret that the romantic city – Venice is slowly submerging. Its dramatic canals are sinking. Now if you miss this, it would be blasphemous. No more gondola rides, no more cozying up in the water canals, no more romantic evenings in the water in next 20 years. The loss to the romantic world will be irreplaceable.
8. Bangladesh In Asia
Might disappear by: 2045

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Just a meter rise in sea level, and we could lose 50% of Bangladesh to water. Researchers say that in next 30 years, we might not get to visit beauty of Bangladesh at all.
9. Madagascar In Africa
Might disappear by: 2045

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The humongous island country in Africa might not be there for a long time. Due to multitudes of forest fires and mass deforestations, it is predicted to only be there for next 30 years. Melancholy is would be, if suddenly the backdrop of our favorite cartoon film, Madagascar, won’t be there.
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10. The Alps In Europe
Might disappear by: 2050

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The European Alps sit at a lower altitude than the Rocky Mountains, and their glaciers and ski resorts are more susceptible to the effects of global warming.
11. South Australia
Might disappear by: 2050

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Desertification is threatening this gorgeous piece of land. Dried up water resources parched landscapes add to the threat. Visit the beauty before rapid wildfires and depleting ecosystem eat up gorgeous region in next 35 years.
12. North Africa
Might disappear by: 2050

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The Sahara Desert in northern Africa is growing at an alarming rate of 0.8 kilometer per month. Just pray it doesn’t consume the whole of North Africa in next 35 years, as claimed by researchers. It would be a shame if we lost it, to the wrath of nature.
13. The Dead Sea Bordering Israel and Jordan
Might disappear by: 2050

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The famous salt lake, Dead Sea, is known for its floating properties. Unfortunately, it has disappeared more than a third in last 40 years. If reports are to be believed, then there would be no more Dead Sea in next 35 years. Hurry up, and fulfil your floating dreams before it’s too late.
14. Northern Tundra In Alaska
Might disappear by: 2050

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Did you know that the stunning beauty of Alaskan Tundra is short-lived? It is proved that global warming affects Arctic twice as harsh as the rest of the world. You just have to visit it to realize how somber it will be to lose such a beauty at the hands of global warming.
Further Read: 20 Places In India More Mysterious Than The Bermuda Triangle
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