You Know You’re SCREWED When These People Are Your Travel Companions!!
We all have that one friend who bugs the hell out of us when you’re on a vacay with them. These people may have one or more of the following attributes. So, it’s best to politely sneak out while they plan a trip with them.
BUT if you can’t, buddy, you’re SCREWED!! God can’t help you no more!
1. Your clingy office BFF

They keep a track of where and when you’re going and offers to tag along. You obviously can’t say ‘No’ for all the previous favours taken.So, there you go, now you have an office away from office!
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2. The Finicky One with Probable OCD

They are in a desperate need for perfection! And all you can say is-Buddy, that’s just unattainable, accept it.
3. The know-it-all, Google guy

He has so much information to enlighten you with that you’ll resist the urge to kick him out of the car.“It’s not Calangute, its pronounced Calang-ghu-tee! Do you know it’s the largest in North Goa? Please don’t stare at the foreigners, take a peak, like this- see!” Bahm!!
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4. The over excited Buddy

They would be game for anything and everything. Goa, this December? Yes! Skiing at Auli over the weekend? You’re on! Let’s go out now. Yes oh Yes! (It’s a different issue when they back out later.)
5. The DJ or Music Sorter

If you have this guy in the car with you forget about your freedom of picking the music. Not for this trip at least!
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6. The Fixer- Finicky one’s best buddy.

They take away all travel worries from you as well as the hero credit that comes with it, and the chicks!
7. The Foodie

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Get ready to spend all your shopping expense on food when you’re with your Foodie buddy. Also, make a stop over every after 2 hours for quick bites. Oom nom nom nom…
8. The Amnesia Guy

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They will make you take a detour an hour after you’ve driven away from home. “We MUST go back, I forgot my phone!!”
9. The Crazy Photographers

They won’t let you touch your food unless they’ve clicked their pictures. Also, invade your privacy and you’ll always find them in the weirdest possible positions with their cameras!
Must Read: There you go, coolest photography ideas for your next trip!
10. Conundrum of Confusion

First he said he wanted to go to the beach, then he wanted to go to the museum, then he was back to beach again and now he is at the hotel taking a nap!
11. YOLO Guy!

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Sky diving, paragliding, cliff jumping, scuba diving, rock climbing- this friend has no bounds when it comes to adventure! Make sure to pack your first aid kit while travelling with this adrenaline junkie, though.
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12. Everyday He’s Shuffling!

The friend who has the power to turn the gloomiest place into a party! This one has all the prank and game ideas under their sleeves. They’ll have your itinerary go haywire but who cares when you get to Paaarrtyyy??!!
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13. The One with a Flawed Digestive System

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Barffff! And your back seat is spattered in artistic patterns of stinking puke! Did you take a sharp turn? Are you steering on winding hilly roads? Is the AC too strong? Did he have eggs for breakfast? Keep wondering…
Which one of them are you? Or do you have any such friends? Do let us know in the comments section below.

Life is all about music and coffee for Kasturi. She has been associated with content in the travel niche for the past 7 years and happily so. If you wanna get in touch with her, her social handles are given below.